
Why Dunning & Kruger Effect?

Sometimes I tend to think that it's a pity that it wouldn't be very practical to implement a law to enforce people to study issues they write about. A quote I tend to find very important is "Bilgi sahibi olmadan fikir sahibi olmak" in Turkish; somewhat meaning "to reach a conviction without the necessary information".

W: Aaa, this joke is really funny.
W:I'm sending it to you
M: Send...

The reason why I named Dunning & Kruger effect this blog actually slightly contradicts with what I just said above. I chose the name because I wanted it to remind me these 4 observed phenomena whenever I would feel the urge to express my thoughts here:
  • Incompetent individuals tend to overestimate their own level of skill.
  • Incompetent individuals fail to recognize genuine skill in others.
  • Incompetent individuals fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy.
  • If they can be trained to substantially improve their own skill level, these individuals can recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill

Under the horror of these 4 principles, I wanted to remind myself that I should be doubting every idea & thought no matter where they are originating from - from myself or someone else. On the other hand, I didn't want my doubts to prevent me from sharing them.

I try to remember not to reach convictions without adequate thinking. Especially motivated by the challenge that my posts are being followed by some of the minds I value in this world, I keep re-thinking issues already expressed here. I love to observe that in this re-thinking process, ideas I share here tend to evolve, mature and sometimes even completely change on my mind. It's like a diary where records keep ever changing. Precisely the reason why I started this blog.

Especially in our age of communication, when I see how some thought patterns are prepared, packaged into easy to swallow thought tablettes to be consumed by public and served through public opinion channels wordlwide is somewhat disappointing.

It's like these radioactive marker drugs they inject into your vein to see how your blood travels through your body; a thought is created and you see it travel from continent to continent, from country to country, from city to city, from neighborhood to neighborhood for years - without being questioned, without being re-thought, accepted as they arrive, used with confidence and pride in every intellectual conversation.

Let's avoid that.

1 comment:

renefischer said...

Dear mate, doubts can never prevent anyone from sharing a thought, I hope.

Wouldn't "not having doubts in one's thought" mean to take the rather exaggeratedly arrogant position of a wannabe-god, an all-knowing being?

And isn't every thought, every idea, every concept, forever a work in progress anyway? Anything else would mean you were in the possession of every piece of information there is. We'll never have the "necessary information", because the quantity that's necessary would be "all". And we won't have that, ever. So I guess we're all guessing our way through this currently nicely sunny world.

At least I am. So me for one, I couldn't agree with you more: I'm questioning your thoughts as much as I question mine, trying to always question mine a little bit more (since they're the ones I will have most difficulties looking at neutrally).

And I do rely on you questioning mine. Big time.