
Decomposing Leafs

Today's April 23rd. It is the 89th. anniversary of the first assembly of the current Turkish parliament. Much more importantly, it is the national holiday that is completely dedicated to children.

It is in the republic's tradition that the primary statesmen (president, primary minister, chairman of the parliament and minister of education) invite children to their offices today, give them their seats for couple of minutes and let them symbolically give orders and talk before the press.

The tradition apparently began in 1929 when Ataturk started to invite children to his office; but no one seems to know exactly whose idea was it to give the children the seat. It is however one of the rare state traditions that is being followed by all without any objections - something very rare in this country.

This girl - apparently a natural republican - replaces the prime minister to give clever answers such as; "don't ask me questions about the possible revision in the cabinet, I've just sit here". To a question whether she thinks that the raise given to civil servants this year was enough, she answers "I want to see them well off as much as you do. But these are tough times and tough times require tough decisions."

Another young lady that was replacing the president was challenged by a more difficult question coming from an enthusiastic 5 year old boy:

"What happens to decomposed leafs when they decompose?"

Everyone laughs at the only question that would mean something in the universe.

The laughter ends, the bullshit continues.

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