
Meet my hero: Selim Aydemir

A few weeks ago in this post, I had tried to explain a phenomena about the culture I grew in. In an attempt to describe the way artfulness is hailed in the Turkish society, I used these sentences:

"...In Turkish society, artfulness in daily life is hailed and to be artful is accepted as the common norm to the degree that sometimes complying with rules is seen as stupidity.

The Turkish cunning behavior generally drives the humorous innovation in daily life and appears at the point where there is some saving in the amount of labor or more rarely in the total cost or the time to spend..."

and here is the news I came across in today's paper. Selim Aydemir, a soccer player in the 3rd. league in Germany, was fired by his trainer because he simply preferred to secretly take the tram for couple of stations during a running training instead of running the course like all of his team mates.

In the same post where I described this behaviour, in an attempt of further explaining this strange characteristic, I said;

"... What makes it even more bizarre is we are perfectly aware of our flaws and contradictions but we love them. We love to make fun of ourselves where we call the Turkish stereotype "yurdum insani" - "human of my country".... "

and to exemplify this sentiment, here is how one of the major newspapers in Turkey preferred to comment on this news:

"Answer to Turkish style training: You're fired."

I'm so delighted to be able to provide a good example. I can sleep peacefully now. ;)

1 comment:

renefischer said...

At least the lad took the tram, and not a car. Very important in environment-conscious Germany.

But seriously: I think most people (at least everywhere I've been) have a similar character treat like this one. The difference is probably rather in the question whether it's "socially accepted" to act accordingly.

Where it is, I'm sure a majority will take the tram (to stay true to your beautiful analogy)